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但我有理由相信明年7月会达到一个新高,因为我培训技术在持续增长(而且,增长的不慢),学员也越来越卷。最后只要再小小地降个up to 80分就可以了(狗头)。我都无法想象如果今年就可以降80分我能有多快乐(9号早上帮一个学员查成绩,比给我自己查还紧张)。

但是我还是想说一下加州论文乱给分的问题。如果我学员通过很少,那我这么抱怨可以说是给自己教不好找的借口,但学员通过人数远超过我的预期,我想我有资格说这个话。今年7月的论文明显有一些压分,往年可以上60甚至65的情况,今年莫名其妙给了55、50甚至45. 有好几个我很看好的学员因此拿到了1350-1390之间的分数。还有一些类似成绩的粉丝在出成绩后报课,我看完论文之后也觉得分给低了。他们这些人都是已经可以通过的水平,如果是去年7月可能甚至不需要降分。而明年降40-80分,如果评分模式不变,那通过考试则是如探囊取物一般。只可惜了额外几个月的心力憔悴和一万多的考试费用。



我还想表达一下对明年网考的担忧。虽然网考让考生成本大大降低,但放出的25个题有大概1/3是有争议的,甚至干脆就是错的,质量远远不如NCBE(我已经在B站放出了讲解这25个题的视频)。还有几个题虽然没有错,但考点设置地过于奇怪。这种本应该引以为傲的示范题都如此儿戏,考场上会有多少考生冤死在这种错题上,我已经无法想象。除了题目的质量糟糕,试考的技术问题就更加混乱了。考前测试莫名其妙的检测不通过,考试的时候来自印度的监考人无休止地换人,重启电脑,断线。有的人可以用身份证通过认证,有的人又必须要护照以至于拿到护照的时候已经错过考试。还有考官在监考的时候看电视、睡觉。也有太过负责的考官在考试的时候频繁提醒考生离摄像头过远、过近(这其实很影响考生状态)。要知道这已经是把原本应该一起考试的学生分到了十几个时间分别考试,时间也缩短到了一个半小时。而正式考试是所有人在同一时间,需要至少12个小时的不断连。我真心建议有条件的考生还是选择去加州线下考试才省心(而且我担心Phase Two可能要线下参加)。



· 阅读需 2 分钟

华盛顿:11月13日16:00-18:00,The Ministry,601 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001

费城:11月14日13:00-15:00,Starbucks,3401 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

纽约:11月15日13:00-15:00,Starbucks,45 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012

波士顿:11月16日13:00-16:00,Starbucks,700 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215

方式:纯聊天,没有presentation. 你可以随时来、随时走。不收费、不需要预约。美国交流会人预计不会太多,你愿意来的话,可能就你一个人。交流会主题暂定纽约州(UBE)考试,也可以聊聊加州bar、绿卡和就业等问题。




· 阅读需 6 分钟

10月纽约放榜了。我们很开心地陆续收到了很多学员的私信,得知他们顺利通过NY BAR的考试。感谢他们自己的努力和对我们的信任,我们非常荣幸能陪伴他们这一路并见证他们取得成功。

众所周知,不同于加州,要成为纽约州的律师,除了报名参加考试的资格要求更加严苛外,要想走到宣誓这一步,前面还有很多需要闯过的难关。不仅需要通过NY BAR(UBE)和MPRE,还要通过NYLE,并且还需要完成50小时的Pro Bono公益服务。

Pro Bono是必须的吗?

是的,现在要想成为纽约州律师,NY BAR(UBE)+MPRE+NYLE+50小时Pro Bono+各类申请材料缺一不可。除非您是美国其他州律师,仅仅是来纽约州pro hac vice。

什么时候完成Pro Bono?

在递交admission申请前完成即可。但是注意,NY BAR的有效期是三年,如果超过了这个时间,需要重新考试。所以如果可以,请尽快完成吧。

开始的时间,可以从LLM入学时间的前一年就开始Pro bono工作并计入50小时。

Pro Bono能不能在中国国内完成?




我是法学院学生,在law school clinic做的能不能计入pro bono?

所有在符合条件的law schook clinic工作的时间都将被认可,但你用于教学培训的时间不应超过实际使用法律技能的时间。此外,旅行或通勤时间不计入在内。获得学术学分并不会导致计时的失效。

我做的其他工作(如调解/参与问卷调查/填报税单/翻译等)是否可以计入pro bono?

需要看情况。重点是完成这些工作是否是为了帮扶贫困或低收入人群。比如翻译工作,单纯的为贫困或低收入人群提供翻译服务并不能计入(不是law-related),但是如果翻译是您正在做的pro bono的项目的一部分,那么提供口译或翻译服务的事实不会使原本符合条件的工作时间失效(但只有legal service的时间可以计入)。

如何完成Pro Bono要求

  1. 找到Pro bono项目

如果是在美国,法学院通常都会有Pro bono的机会给大家,平时可以关注一下公告栏和及时查收邮箱、各类网站信息。


  1. 完成Pro bono工作并填写表格。

需要为每个用于满足公益服务要求的项目填写一份表格(Form Affidavit of Compliance),建议在完成每个符合条件的公益工作项目时填写此表格。样表可以参考这里,但建议实际填写时以BOLE发布的最新版本为准。



  1. 公证。




最后,祝大家顺利完成Pro bono!

· 阅读需 3 分钟

Expectation Damages

Expectation Damages are awarded to put the plaintiff in the position they would have been in if the contract had been performed as expected, without fraud. For the Jaguars baseball, Perry could have received 5,000 on the open market but was misled into selling it for 20, resulting in a loss of 4,980. For the Sluggers baseball, Denise sold it for 10,000 but misled Perry into accepting only 2,000, resulting in an 8,000 loss. Therefore, the total expectation damages amount to $12,980.

Reliance Damages

Reliance Damages compensate for expenses the plaintiff incurred based on the defendant's promise, essentially treating the situation as if the contract had never been made. In this scenario, there is no indication of any reliance expenses incurred by Perry that would justify reliance damages.

Consequential Damages

Consequential Damages damages cover losses caused by the defendant’s wrongful conduct that were a foreseeable result of the breach. In this case, the expectation damages adequately compensate Perry for his financial losses, thus obviating the need for consequential damages.

Incidental Damages

Incidental Damages cover additional costs incurred directly because of the breach, such as costs related to sales and advertisements. There is no evidence of incidental damages in this scenario.

Liquidated Damages

Liquidated Damages are pre-agreed damages specified in the contract for breach. There is no mention of such damages in the contract between Perry and Denise.

Punitive Damages

Although contracts generally do not warrant punitive damages, fraud cases like this one might. However, courts typically exercise caution in awarding punitive damages in contract disputes, and more information about state-specific laws and court inclinations would further influence this discussion.

Nominal Damages

Given the significant expectation damages available, Perry has no need to pursue nominal damages, which are symbolic amounts awarded when a legal wrong has occurred without a corresponding loss.


Generally, the damages a plaintiff can claim include either expectation or reliance damages, along with consequential and incidental damages, less any avoidable losses.

Here, Perry is entitled to recover $12,980 in expectation damages, representing the difference between what he received and what he should have received for the baseballs, absent Denise's fraud.


Replevin allows the recovery of specific personal property and is available if (1) the defendant is wrongfully withholding personal property, (2) that the plaintiff has a right to possess.

Replevin would allow Perry to recover possession of the Jaguars baseball directly. Since Denise still has the Jaguars baseball, replevin could be a straightforward remedy to address his loss related to that item.

Equitable Lien

An equitable lien is available if a defendant: (1) wrongfully acquired title to property, and (2) would be unjustly enriched if allowed to keep the property.

Perry could seek an equitable lien on the Voy car to secure payment of the $8,000 he was defrauded of in the sale of the Sluggers baseball. However, it would only cover the direct loss amount, not any increased value.

Constructive Trust

A constructive trust is an equitable remedy used to prevent unjust enrichment resulting from wrongful conduct, which in this case, is fraud.

This remedy could be applied to the Voy car, given Denise's fraud in using the proceeds from the Sluggers baseball to purchase the car. A constructive trust would treat Denise as if she were holding the car in trust for Perry, allowing him to claim actual ownership of the vehicle. This is particularly advantageous here due to the car's appreciation in value.

(550-600 words)

· 阅读需 4 分钟


In California, a juror can be disqualified for cause if there is a reasonable likelihood that their judgment could be influenced by bias or a financial interest in the outcome of the case.

Juror #5 disclosed that she worked as a Motor engineer before retiring five years ago. While past employment could suggest potential bias (due to possible loyalty or insider knowledge), the substantial lapse of time since her departure may lessen concerns of bias.

Juror #5 also owns 50 shares of Motor stock, constituting 2% of her total financial assets. While owning stock in a party involved in a case can suggest a financial interest in the trial's outcome, the small shareholding (only 2% of her assets) means any financial impact from the litigation outcome might be insignificant.

Crucially, Juror #5 stated that she could be fair and impartial. Courts give weight to a juror's assertion of impartiality unless compelling evidence suggests otherwise. Considering all relevant factors, the court likely did not err in seating Juror #5.

A directed verdict is proper only when there is no genuine dispute of material fact, meaning that even when evidence is viewed in the light most favorable to the non-moving party, no reasonable jury could reach a different conclusion.

Here, the issue of whether the misuse was foreseeable is a factual question for the jury, based on the evidence presented. Moreover, even if Palma could convincingly argue that no reasonable jury could conclude the misuse was unforeseeable, she would still need to demonstrate that no reasonable jury could find the product was not defective. To obtain a directed verdict, Palma must establish that a reasonable jury could only find that the seat was defectively designed and that any misuse was foreseeable. This sets a high bar.

Therefore, addressing only the foreseeability of misuse is insufficient for securing a directed verdict, particularly when the product's defectiveness remains disputed. The court appropriately denied the directed verdict motion, as both issues of defect and foreseeability were rightfully submitted to the jury.

A motion for a new trial must be filed within 28 days after the entry of judgment. Here, Palma filed her motion within 28 days of the jury's verdict, suggesting timeliness.

Palma's motion is partly based on newly discovered evidence in the form of Motor's safety test reports, which indicate severe injuries were likely regardless of seat angle. For this to justify a new trial, Palma must demonstrate that the evidence was not discoverable through reasonable diligence during the original trial. In this case, if Motor intentionally hid these reports, Palma may argue that she could not have obtained them despite reasonable efforts, thus satisfying this requirement. Additionally, Palma needs to show that this evidence is crucial - had this evidence been available during the trial, the outcome would likely have been different. As the evidence appears to demonstrate that misuse was not the cause of the injuries, this evidence could have influenced the jury's decision, and thus was crucial.

Another basis for granting a new trial is evidence of fraud, misrepresentation, or misconduct by the opposing party. Palma provides evidence that Motor intentionally concealed safety test reports, potentially constituting fraud or misconduct. If the court finds that Motor engaged in such behavior and that it impacted the outcome of the trial, this could warrant a new trial.

(500 words)

· 阅读需 1 分钟


目前初步统计,只要用正确的方式报名了Phase One,都收到了有资格参加的邮件,中签率100%. 所有选择线上考试的考生都被允许纯线上,选择线下参加Phase One的学员统计数量不足。

没有及时报名的也不用灰心,明年7月可能还会有Phase Two. 而且不参加试考本身并不会降分,考试难度、通过率预计都不会有显著变化。

成功报名Phase One的同学也建议临时抱下佛脚。虽然说心理学评估,但正确率越高肯定加分越多的。

· 阅读需 5 分钟

今天加州最高法院通过了律协的方案,即未来的加州法考将采取线上(和/或)线下考试中心的方案。加州同时通过了第一次试考(Phase One)的方案,但不带偏见地驳回了明年7月底举办的第二次试考(Phase Two)的方案。法院要求加州在第一次试考结束后进行评估,根据届时的情况如有必要再上报Phase Two。


Phase One是否可以同时给2月和7月加分?

不可以。Phase One只能给明年参加的第一次考试(first attempt)加分。所以袁律师一再建议考7月的,不仅因为7月惯例通过率就比2月高、7月我们对题型更加熟悉,最主要是因为7月有可能史无前例降两次最多80分。如果参加2月,就失去了7月(可能的)额外降最多40分的机会。虽然本次驳回了Phase Two,但你们也看到了只要State Bar想做什么,法院的程序性驳回基本只是刷存在感而已。

如果没有抽中Phase One,也不在乎1700刀的话,的确可以报名2月考试,但完全可以等抽签名单出来之后再决定。抽签名单肯定会在11月8日试考之前出来,如果拖到11月再报名法考,顶多也就是50美元的罚金。
















· 阅读需 4 分钟

Contingency agreements in tort cases are generally permissible, but they must be provided in a written contract that clearly outlines the fee structure. Furthermore, the ABA requires that fees be reasonable, and California stipulates that fees must not "shock the conscience." Although we don't know the specific contingency percentage, attorney fees take into account numerous factors. Generally speaking, a lawyer's fee constituting up to 30% of the total settlement is considered reasonable. Here, there is a valid contingency fee agreement, so there is no issue of professional misconduct.

When August sent a written settlement demand for $500,000 to Len and learned that Len had not communicated it to Davis, August did nothing. This is the first potential ethical issue. The duty of diligence requires a lawyer to zealously represent clients and take actions to secure their interests, and the duty to report requires reporting possible ethical violations by the opposing party, e. g. failing to inform the client of a settlement offer. However, Len's inaction may not necessarily be unethical if there is a possible arrangement between the opposing client and lawyer that demands above a certain amount need not be disclosed to the client. If such an understanding exists, not informing the client might be ethically permissible. From August's perspective, he cannot directly communicate with the opposing client (which will be discussed infra). He can not question Len about not informing their client either, as this could be protected by the opposing lawyer's duty of confidentiality. Since August did not have many better options due to Len's inaction, we do not have enough information to definitively determine if August's inaction constitutes ethical misconduct. Of course, as a general practice, making a phone call to ensure that Len received and understood the demand letter might be more appropriate.

Next, August instructing his own client to communicate with the opposing party is another problematic issue. Ethical standards clearly prohibit direct client-to-opposing client communication without the opposing lawyer's consent, as this is designed to prevent lawyers from using their legal knowledge to create an unequal communication advantage. However, client-to-client communication does not have this issue - even if such communication is instigated by a lawyer. Therefore, instigating a client to directly communicate with the opposing client does not violate ethical standards. Nevertheless, if a lawyer has their client deliver their signed demand letter to the opposing client, this could potentially breach the duty of fairness to the opposing party.

The ABA allows fee sharing between lawyers provided that the division is proportional to the work performed or risk assumed. California does not even require proportionality. The rules also mandates that fee sharing must not increase the total fee charged to the client. Here, it appears that August and Rita shared both work and risk, and the overall fee for the client did not increase.

The most apparent problem with August and Rita's arrangement is the lack of prior client consent for such a fee-sharing agreement. The ABA requires "informed consent, confirmed in writing" for changes in fee-sharing arrangements, while California requires "informed written consent." By not obtaining the client's prior consent, August and Rita violated their duty of communication with the client.

Rita's statement that she "knew" Dani raises potential conflict of interest concerns. Whether this acquaintance is due to a familial connection, fiduciary duty, or a prior attorney-client relationship, each could impair Rita’s ability to represent Paul effectively and may cast doubt on the legitimacy of the settlement agreement.

Rita settled the case without obtaining Paul’s consent at the time of settlement. Although the settlement amount of $500,000 was previously agreed upon by Paul, seeking Paul’s confirmation would have been a more appropriate and cautious practice.

From Len's perspective, there was no agreement with Davis to disregard demands above a certain amount. Therefore, failing to communicate the $500,000 settlement demand to the client constitutes a violation of his duty of communication.

The attorney-client relationship is a fiduciary one based on independent contract principles where the client is responsible for decisions regarding objectives, and the attorney is responsible for means and manners. While an attorney does not need to consult the client on every strategic decision, significant matters must be communicated to the client for them to make informed decisions. The settlement amount is a crucial aspect of a civil case, and no matter how unreasonable the attorney might perceive an offer, it must be communicated to the client to allow them to decide independently. Therefore, Len’s ethical duty would have been to inform Davis of the settlement demand.

(750-800 words)

· 阅读需 5 分钟

Executory Interest

Under the terms of Olivia's conveyance of Lot B to Barry, the clause states: "If at any time, Barry, his heirs, successors or assigns shall use the premises for any purpose other than as a personal residence, said Lot B shall immediately vest in fee simple in Zach or his surviving descendants." This language gives Barry a fee simple determinable, while granting Zach an executory interest. This means that if the land is used for anything other than a personal residence, the ownership automatically transfers to Zach. After Zach's death, his granddaughter, as his surviving descendant, inherits this executory interest, assuming that this jurisdiction has abolished the common law Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP).

Rule Against Perpetuities

According to the traditional Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP), a future interest must vest, if at all, no later than 21 years after the death of a relevant life at the time the interest was created. In this case, the executory interest that Zach holds could potentially violate the RAP because the condition - using Lot B for "any purpose other than as a personal residence" - might occur beyond 21 years after the death of Zach or any other relevant person who was alive at the time of the interest's creation. Therefore, Zach's executory interest might be invalid under the RAP.

If the executory interest is deemed invalid due to the RAP, the executory interest would be replaced by Oliver’s reversionary interest, as reversions are not subject to the RAP. This means that if the condition is breached, the property would revert back to Oliver's estate (or her successors) rather than vesting in Zach's descendants.

Wait and See Rule

Few jurisdictions directly abolish the RAP; instead, many adopt the "wait and see" rule. This rule assesses whether the interest actually vests within the period defined by the RAP—21 years after the death of a relevant life in being. Although Zach passed away 60 years ago, Barry is still alive. Therefore, under this jurisdiction's specific "wait and see" rule, it is possible that the executory interest does not violate the RAP, as Barry's continued survival means the vesting period might still fall within allowable limits.

In summary, if the RAP remains unmodified in the jurisdiction, Darla may have nothing, and Lot B goes to Simon. If the jurisdiction has abolished the RAP or adopted a "wait and see" rule, Darla might have held an executory interest in Lot B before Developer began constructing an office building. Once the condition was breached by the non-residential use, her interest converted into a fee simple. This fee simple, however, is subject to Simon's easement, which will be discussed later.

Easement by Implication

An easement by implication is established when: (1) A single tract of land is divided by a common owner; (2) There is a preexisting use by the grantor benefiting the land prior to the division; and (3) The use is reasonably necessary for the enjoyment of the dominant parcel. The existing Use must be apparent and continuous at the time the tract is divided.

Here, Olivia originally owned both Lot A and Lot B, fulfilling the single tract division requirement. The dirt road existed and was apparent and visible before the division, constituting a preexisting use benefiting Lot A. The road is necessary for Simon's access to the highway, as no alternative exists without significant expense. Simon likely has an easement by implication over the dirt road on Lot B.

Easement by Necessity

An easement by necessity is established when: (1) A single tract of land is divided by a common owner; and (2) The access provided by the easement is absolutely necessary for the use of the property. That easement terminates when the necessity ceases.

In this case, by dividing the original tract and conveying Lot B to Barry, Olivia inadvertently deprived Lot A of direct access to the public highway. This division creates an absolute necessity because there was no other access to the highway. An easement by necessity would be created and remain unless and until an alternative means of access is established.

Easement by Prescription

Even if an easement by implication or by necessity was not created when the land was divided, Simon can still acquire an easement by prescription. An easement by prescription is established when the possessor’s use of the land is: (1) open and notorious; (2) continuous; (3) hostile; and (4) for the statutory period, which is typically between 7 to 20 years.

Here, Simon has regularly used the dirt road for 30 years, satisfying the open, continuous and the statutory duration requirements. If he did not originally acquire an easement by implication or necessity, then his use of the land was without Barry's permission, meeting the requirement of hostility. Therefore, Simon can claim an easement by prescription over the dirt road on Lot B.


In conclusion, Simon has obtained an easement over the dirt road by implication, necessity, or at least by prescription. This easement remains intact regardless of the sale of Lot B to Developer or if transferred to Darla through her executory interest. However, if the Rule Against Perpetuities applies and causes the executory interest to fail, resulting in a reversion to Olivia's estate and thereby uniting ownership of both Lot A and Lot B in Simon, the easement would merge and thus be extinguished.

(850-900 words)

· 阅读需 5 分钟

Refusal to Operate in the Low-Priced End of the Market

Alex and Baker's decision to refuse to operate in the low-priced end of the market is protected under the business judgment rule (BJR). This rule shields board members from liability for decisions made in good faith, with the care that a reasonably prudent person would use, and with the belief that the decisions are in the best interests of the company.

Alex and Baker, as directors of Pick, had the discretion to make subjective judgments about market profitability as long as these decisions were not excessively arbitrary or capricious. Here, their refusal to focus on the low-priced end of the market was based on an evaluation of market conditions, which they believed mirrored the overall decline in the stock market, seemed to fall within the scope of the BJR.

Furthermore, their decision was informed by hiring an analyst just two months prior. This analyst examined the potential of entering the low-priced market segment and concluded that it was not a profitable avenue for the company. By relying on this professional analysis, Alex and Baker demonstrated due diligence and a reasonable basis for their decision, fulfilling their duty of care as directors.

Thus, simply choosing not to pursue the low-priced end of the market does not constitute a violation of their responsibilities or breach of their duty of care.

Denying Written Demand That the Board Take Remedial Action

The protection of BJR is not absolute. Directors may still be held personally liable if they refuse to take actions that are clearly beneficial to the company based on improper motives or without a reasonable basis.

In this instance, we lack detailed information on how the Board arrived at their decision or the specific reasons behind their refusal to take remedial action concerning E-Save. If the Board reasonably believed that taking action against E-Save would somehow harm Pick, perhaps by triggering costly litigation or reputational damage with little chance of success, their decision could be defended under the business judgment rule.

It is also important to consider the internal dynamics of the Board's decision-making process. Without knowing whether the vote was unanimous or split, it is possible that Alex or Baker, dissented in the decision. If this were the case, the dissenting director might not be held personally liable even if the decision falls outside the protection of the BJR.

To conclude, determining whether Alex and Baker should be held accountable for the Board's decision requires more information.

Duty of Care

As discussed above, Cate, like other directors, is generally protected under the BJR. Moreover, even if the decision to refuse to operate in the low-priced end of the market turns out to be an arbitrary mistake which does not shield from the BJR, Cate opposed that decision, and therefore, she is not personally liable.

However, BJR does not apply to or protect directors who: (1) have a conflict of interest; (2) not act in good faith; or (3) engaged in fraud or illegality.

Here, if Cate participated in denying the shareholders' written demand that the Board take remedial action, she is less likely to be protected by the BJR. Cate has an inherent conflict of interest, as she personally formed E-Save. Her involvement in this decision could be construed as self-serving, potentially prioritizing her interests over those of Pick. Therefore, Cate's actions could potentially lead to a violate of duty of care if it is determined that her decision-making was influenced by conflicting interests rather than Pick's interests.

Duty not to compete

The duty of loyalty requires that a director or officer not compete with the corporation or pursue opportunities that belong to the corporation. A corporate opportunity is any opportunity that the corporation has an interest or expectancy in. However, one may pursue a corporate opportunity if they: (1) first present it to the Board; and (2) the Board decides not to pursue the opportunity.

In this case, Cate did present the opportunity to focus on the low-priced end of the market to Pick's Board, but the Board chose not to pursue it. Therefore, Cate might argue that her decision to start E-Save does not violate her duty of loyalty, as she followed the necessary protocol by first offering the opportunity to Pick. The shareholders might contend that even though it initially declined to focus on the low-priced market, this segment still falls within Pick's line of business, and Cate cannot independently start a competing venture without first resigning from the Board.

The outcome primarily depends on the specific facts, but courts are likely to find that Cate should not have started a company that directly competes with Pick's business, particularly because it clearly overlaps with Pick's potential business interests, even though her proposal to focus on this market segment was rejected by the Board.

Duty to Refrain from Voting on Decisions with Conflicts of Interest

Even if Cate did not violate the prohibition against competing with the company, her participation in the decision to deny remedial action, if she was involved, would indeed constitute a violation of her duty of loyalty. This duty prohibits a board member with a conflict of interest from voting on matters in which they are conflicted. Consequently, her vote should be deemed invalid, and she may be personally liable for any resulting damages due to her conflicted involvement in the decision.

(850-900 words)