
· 阅读需 5 分钟

Executory Interest

Under the terms of Olivia's conveyance of Lot B to Barry, the clause states: "If at any time, Barry, his heirs, successors or assigns shall use the premises for any purpose other than as a personal residence, said Lot B shall immediately vest in fee simple in Zach or his surviving descendants." This language gives Barry a fee simple determinable, while granting Zach an executory interest. This means that if the land is used for anything other than a personal residence, the ownership automatically transfers to Zach. After Zach's death, his granddaughter, as his surviving descendant, inherits this executory interest, assuming that this jurisdiction has abolished the common law Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP).

Rule Against Perpetuities

According to the traditional Rule Against Perpetuities (RAP), a future interest must vest, if at all, no later than 21 years after the death of a relevant life at the time the interest was created. In this case, the executory interest that Zach holds could potentially violate the RAP because the condition - using Lot B for "any purpose other than as a personal residence" - might occur beyond 21 years after the death of Zach or any other relevant person who was alive at the time of the interest's creation. Therefore, Zach's executory interest might be invalid under the RAP.

If the executory interest is deemed invalid due to the RAP, the executory interest would be replaced by Oliver’s reversionary interest, as reversions are not subject to the RAP. This means that if the condition is breached, the property would revert back to Oliver's estate (or her successors) rather than vesting in Zach's descendants.

Wait and See Rule

Few jurisdictions directly abolish the RAP; instead, many adopt the "wait and see" rule. This rule assesses whether the interest actually vests within the period defined by the RAP—21 years after the death of a relevant life in being. Although Zach passed away 60 years ago, Barry is still alive. Therefore, under this jurisdiction's specific "wait and see" rule, it is possible that the executory interest does not violate the RAP, as Barry's continued survival means the vesting period might still fall within allowable limits.

In summary, if the RAP remains unmodified in the jurisdiction, Darla may have nothing, and Lot B goes to Simon. If the jurisdiction has abolished the RAP or adopted a "wait and see" rule, Darla might have held an executory interest in Lot B before Developer began constructing an office building. Once the condition was breached by the non-residential use, her interest converted into a fee simple. This fee simple, however, is subject to Simon's easement, which will be discussed later.

Easement by Implication

An easement by implication is established when: (1) A single tract of land is divided by a common owner; (2) There is a preexisting use by the grantor benefiting the land prior to the division; and (3) The use is reasonably necessary for the enjoyment of the dominant parcel. The existing Use must be apparent and continuous at the time the tract is divided.

Here, Olivia originally owned both Lot A and Lot B, fulfilling the single tract division requirement. The dirt road existed and was apparent and visible before the division, constituting a preexisting use benefiting Lot A. The road is necessary for Simon's access to the highway, as no alternative exists without significant expense. Simon likely has an easement by implication over the dirt road on Lot B.

Easement by Necessity

An easement by necessity is established when: (1) A single tract of land is divided by a common owner; and (2) The access provided by the easement is absolutely necessary for the use of the property. That easement terminates when the necessity ceases.

In this case, by dividing the original tract and conveying Lot B to Barry, Olivia inadvertently deprived Lot A of direct access to the public highway. This division creates an absolute necessity because there was no other access to the highway. An easement by necessity would be created and remain unless and until an alternative means of access is established.

Easement by Prescription

Even if an easement by implication or by necessity was not created when the land was divided, Simon can still acquire an easement by prescription. An easement by prescription is established when the possessor’s use of the land is: (1) open and notorious; (2) continuous; (3) hostile; and (4) for the statutory period, which is typically between 7 to 20 years.

Here, Simon has regularly used the dirt road for 30 years, satisfying the open, continuous and the statutory duration requirements. If he did not originally acquire an easement by implication or necessity, then his use of the land was without Barry's permission, meeting the requirement of hostility. Therefore, Simon can claim an easement by prescription over the dirt road on Lot B.


In conclusion, Simon has obtained an easement over the dirt road by implication, necessity, or at least by prescription. This easement remains intact regardless of the sale of Lot B to Developer or if transferred to Darla through her executory interest. However, if the Rule Against Perpetuities applies and causes the executory interest to fail, resulting in a reversion to Olivia's estate and thereby uniting ownership of both Lot A and Lot B in Simon, the easement would merge and thus be extinguished.

(850-900 words)

· 阅读需 5 分钟

Refusal to Operate in the Low-Priced End of the Market

Alex and Baker's decision to refuse to operate in the low-priced end of the market is protected under the business judgment rule (BJR). This rule shields board members from liability for decisions made in good faith, with the care that a reasonably prudent person would use, and with the belief that the decisions are in the best interests of the company.

Alex and Baker, as directors of Pick, had the discretion to make subjective judgments about market profitability as long as these decisions were not excessively arbitrary or capricious. Here, their refusal to focus on the low-priced end of the market was based on an evaluation of market conditions, which they believed mirrored the overall decline in the stock market, seemed to fall within the scope of the BJR.

Furthermore, their decision was informed by hiring an analyst just two months prior. This analyst examined the potential of entering the low-priced market segment and concluded that it was not a profitable avenue for the company. By relying on this professional analysis, Alex and Baker demonstrated due diligence and a reasonable basis for their decision, fulfilling their duty of care as directors.

Thus, simply choosing not to pursue the low-priced end of the market does not constitute a violation of their responsibilities or breach of their duty of care.

Denying Written Demand That the Board Take Remedial Action

The protection of BJR is not absolute. Directors may still be held personally liable if they refuse to take actions that are clearly beneficial to the company based on improper motives or without a reasonable basis.

In this instance, we lack detailed information on how the Board arrived at their decision or the specific reasons behind their refusal to take remedial action concerning E-Save. If the Board reasonably believed that taking action against E-Save would somehow harm Pick, perhaps by triggering costly litigation or reputational damage with little chance of success, their decision could be defended under the business judgment rule.

It is also important to consider the internal dynamics of the Board's decision-making process. Without knowing whether the vote was unanimous or split, it is possible that Alex or Baker, dissented in the decision. If this were the case, the dissenting director might not be held personally liable even if the decision falls outside the protection of the BJR.

To conclude, determining whether Alex and Baker should be held accountable for the Board's decision requires more information.

Duty of Care

As discussed above, Cate, like other directors, is generally protected under the BJR. Moreover, even if the decision to refuse to operate in the low-priced end of the market turns out to be an arbitrary mistake which does not shield from the BJR, Cate opposed that decision, and therefore, she is not personally liable.

However, BJR does not apply to or protect directors who: (1) have a conflict of interest; (2) not act in good faith; or (3) engaged in fraud or illegality.

Here, if Cate participated in denying the shareholders' written demand that the Board take remedial action, she is less likely to be protected by the BJR. Cate has an inherent conflict of interest, as she personally formed E-Save. Her involvement in this decision could be construed as self-serving, potentially prioritizing her interests over those of Pick. Therefore, Cate's actions could potentially lead to a violate of duty of care if it is determined that her decision-making was influenced by conflicting interests rather than Pick's interests.

Duty not to compete

The duty of loyalty requires that a director or officer not compete with the corporation or pursue opportunities that belong to the corporation. A corporate opportunity is any opportunity that the corporation has an interest or expectancy in. However, one may pursue a corporate opportunity if they: (1) first present it to the Board; and (2) the Board decides not to pursue the opportunity.

In this case, Cate did present the opportunity to focus on the low-priced end of the market to Pick's Board, but the Board chose not to pursue it. Therefore, Cate might argue that her decision to start E-Save does not violate her duty of loyalty, as she followed the necessary protocol by first offering the opportunity to Pick. The shareholders might contend that even though it initially declined to focus on the low-priced market, this segment still falls within Pick's line of business, and Cate cannot independently start a competing venture without first resigning from the Board.

The outcome primarily depends on the specific facts, but courts are likely to find that Cate should not have started a company that directly competes with Pick's business, particularly because it clearly overlaps with Pick's potential business interests, even though her proposal to focus on this market segment was rejected by the Board.

Duty to Refrain from Voting on Decisions with Conflicts of Interest

Even if Cate did not violate the prohibition against competing with the company, her participation in the decision to deny remedial action, if she was involved, would indeed constitute a violation of her duty of loyalty. This duty prohibits a board member with a conflict of interest from voting on matters in which they are conflicted. Consequently, her vote should be deemed invalid, and she may be personally liable for any resulting damages due to her conflicted involvement in the decision.

(850-900 words)

· 阅读需 3 分钟






方式:纯聊天,没有presentation. 你可以随时来、随时走。你一个人来袁律师就和你一个人聊,人多了就一起聊。


Q & A

Q: 会不会有通过的学员分享经验?

A: 成都场可能会有一次考过的加州律师来。广州场可能会有当天得知自己通过的考生前来。其他城市可能会有已经参加过,但等待11月9日成绩的人来。

Q: 有什么吃喝/礼物?

A: 来的人送饮品一杯。现场有加州可能要用到的FD-258指纹卡和纽约可能用到的纯黑鼠标垫,需要的人可以领取(送完为止)。

Q: 可不可以请袁律师吃饭?

A: 袁律师在减脂,不吃晚饭。也请不要带礼物过来,不方便带走。

· 阅读需 5 分钟



Q: 我报名了试考,是否会被抽中?


Q: 试考在哪一天?


Q: 试考多少个题?


Q: 我还没复习/回答的乱七八糟,也可以加分吗?



Q: 如果获得加分,2月没过,7月是否还可以再加一次?

目前他回答的是“2025年的第一次尝试”,那么如果2月挂了,7月就不能再次获得加分。 我依然建议大家准备7月考试,有机会降两次分,还更加熟悉题型和套路。

Q: 如何监考?

没理解错的话,真人通过摄像头监考,考试中心自带真人监考。 但明确否认了用AI监考。

Q: 考试中心位于哪里?

考试中心的合作商不是MPRE的皮尔逊,而是Meazure Learning. 如果你在加州,可以搜一下离家近的。

Q: 是否提供纸质论文考试?


Q: 选择题是否完全和MBE一样?


Q: 论文是否会换风格?

不会。之前我不知道在哪看到论文也是Kaplan出题,但这次在线会议明确至少2025年论文的风格完全不会改变,难道加州之前的论文就已经是Kaplan在出题? 总之,这两个问题传递的一个信息(也是他们一再强调的)就是完全不要改变复习方法,之前的复习方法依然有用。

Q: 是否会有复习资料?

这个月会发放study guide,试考的题目还没有决定是否release,但主持人认为这是一个好主意。

Q: 如何知道我被加了多少分?

至少挂了的人会知道被加了多少分,以及加了多少分后依然没有过。 和以往一样,通过的人不会知道具体分数。

· 阅读需 4 分钟



Q: 报名试考的Applicant Number是什么

点击Admin Portal上方的Status可以看到,如果你不小心填成了Case Number,建议重新报名一次。

Q: 是否要选accommodation?


Q: 是否报名试考一定会抽中,以及什么时候知道是否被抽中?


Q: 如果抽中11月初的试考,2月没考过,7月是否可以再次获得降分?


Q: 袁律师建议考2月还是7月


  1. 7月有可能被抽中Phase Two,有机会降分两次;即使11月这次没有抽中,也有机会降分一次;
  2. 2月的感官难度本来就比7月高(在考虑进2月repeater大幅拉低了整体通过率之后依然如此);
  3. 2月去考的人基本都是小白鼠,7月我们会更加熟悉考试题型。



Q: 所以,一定会换Kaplan以及网考?


· 阅读需 2 分钟

9月18日,加州最高法院不带偏见地驳回了州律协要求修改考试方法的动议。最高法院认为律协没有遵守法院规则,即必须要先由律协考试委员会(Committee of Bar Examiners)开会通过,再提出任何必要的修改。




· 阅读需 7 分钟

今天有一些潜在考生收到加州邮件,邀请参加2024年11月8日举行的试考项目(Phase One),官网也发布了消息(链接在本文最后),我们回答一些大家最关心的问题。








但邮件强调了repeat takers可以参加考试。所以今年7月已经考过bar的考生如何安排,还要等进一步消息。






参加试考可以在2025年2月和7月的考试中获得最多40分的adjustment. 虽然adjustment字面上可能是加分或者减分,但显然不能给考生减分(官方通告也明确了这点),所以只可能是加分。

不确定的是怎么加分,是一律加40分,还是根据试考的成绩加分。如果一律加40分,那就是把1390降到了1350. 考虑到加州前几年有从1440降低到1390的先例,这对明年考生来说是一个重大利好。

加分的提议要等待加州最高法院的批准,历史经验表明该院不怎么会拒绝state bar的提议。










Phase One是什么意思


有没有Phase Two

That CA bar can tell you.



  1. 网考还是在家中考试?这意味着2026年有可能回归线下?
  2. 不同时间限制的考试,以及
  3. 是否允许有限开卷。




· 阅读需 7 分钟



  1. 我是数学老师,不是英语老师,我自己不是主修英文专业的,也没有留过学;

  2. 英文学习,尤其写作,是一个超长期的过程,无法做到短期提高;

  3. 建议英语不好的同学可以先学英语,不用急着买我的课。









  1. 对于文笔不好的,通过阅读提高英文文笔;

  2. 更重要的,学习遇到一个题目应该如何找到焦点(issue spotting),以及对于某个焦点应该如何论述。所以如果文笔没有问题,读中文又显著快于英文的(我是这样),我会建议后期直接看机器翻译版的就行。





国内免费我目前推荐Deepseek.com,手机号注册就可以免费用,不比GPT 3.5差。

GPT 4o固然很好,但特别难访问。有三重障碍:国内需要梯子,注册需要美国手机和信用卡,外加Openai本身也想方设法限制大陆和香港用户访问。

如果想不搭梯子用一些先进的,可以考虑开源大模型,Llama-3.1-405B就已经不逊于GPT 4o.

当然我也没有指望各位律师们在自己的电脑上部署一个开源大模型。Anakin.ai这个网站部署了主流开源大模型的接口,这就包括上面Llama-3.1-405B。Anakin每天有一些免费名额,付费也比GPT 4o便宜,目前不用梯子就可以访问。


  1. 我刚写了一篇文章,能帮我改改语法错误吗?请把你修改的地方加粗。

  2. 请把这个句子改成更通顺精准的法律英语表述的方式。

  3. 请你按照法律语言的习惯进行修改,尽量保持原文的意思不变,但改掉明显不符合逻辑或法律的地方。




· 阅读需 2 分钟






· 阅读需 2 分钟




方式:纯聊天,没有presentation. 你可以随时来、随时走。你一个人来袁律师就和你一个人聊,人多了就一起聊。


Q & A

Q: 会不会有通过的学员分享经验?

A: 可能会来,但不确定什么时候。如果你全时段都在,或许会见到一两个。

Q: 有什么吃喝/礼物?

A: 来的人送饮品一杯。现场有纯色鼠标垫和加州可能要用到的FD-258指纹卡,需要的人可以领取(送完为止)。

Q: 可不可以请袁律师吃饭?

A: 袁律师在减脂,不吃晚饭。也请不要带礼物过来,不方便带走。