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我们从NCBE的一道原题开始。以A motorcyclist was involved in a collision with a truck开头的题,在州法院起诉卡车司机侵权败诉,然后去联邦法院起诉司机的雇主。我看到这个题,一眼认为是禁事实冲突(issue preclusion),因为雇员没有责任,雇主就没有了替代责任。同时我认为并不是一事不再理(claim preclusion),因为连原被告都不一样。看到答案我大跌眼镜,答案是一事不再理,因为二被告有某种关系(privity)。答案同时认为不构成issue preclusion,因为陪审团可能认为原告有共同过失才判被告赢的。如果说选A的原因我将信将疑,不选B则没有说服我。如果原告有共同过失,第二个案子同样也赢不了,完全可以拿来用。

民诉的题有疑问,按照惯例是要去找联邦各法院的判例。检索发现这个题发布后就在学术界引发了争议,以至于有人写了57页的论文1来讨论这个题目的正确答案。最终认为,为了司法判决的一致性,二被告有privity,允许使用nonmutual claim preclusion在实务上正确的答案,所以选A没有问题。但B同样没有问题:它的正确非常显然,以至于法官们都认为应该用issue preclusion更方便。总之,这个题用来测试考生是无效的,是一个错题2

以Ten months after surgery in a hospital开头的题,细心的同学发现修改诉状加入新的当事人并主张relation back的时候,已经超过了FRCP规定的90天。这是因为这个题2014年放出,当时FRCP的规定还是120天,2015年刚改成了90天。UWorld没有发现这个问题,姑且算是UWorld的锅。


以A business incorporated in State A hired an advertiser living in State B and a lawyer living in State C to help the business's advertising efforts in a foreign country开头的一个题,venue的两个优先都不合适,只能用兜底,而兜底的规则是“对任何一个被告有PJ的司法区”,所以B说因为这个司法区对两个被告都有PJ,和A说因为其中一个被告住在这个司法区,都不够好。正确的答案描述为at least one of the defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in State B会比较好。

以A man died, leaving a will that devised his land to “my wife for life, remainder to my son and the heirs of his body. But if my son dies without children, then the land shall go to my nephew.” 开头的一个题,说这是fee tail,所以my son后面整个无效,应视为fee simple. 这是不对的,“and the heirs of his body”划掉不看,是房地产的做题技巧没错,但But开头的这句话没有办法不看。事实上这是一个fee simple subject to executory limitation,虽然归邻居没有错,但说the son持有fee simple是错误的。

以A shopping mall located near an interstate highway exit is surrounded by a paved parking area开头的一个题,讲述地主明明摆放了“NO TRESPASSING”的牌子,却反而把侵入者变成了anticipated trespasser的故事。这让地主怎么做都是错的,不放牌子说人家没警告,放了牌子说人家有期待。正确的理解参考Barbri的outline: if the owner has posted "no trespassing" signs, this might serve to convert these “anticipated” trespassers into “undiscovered” trespassers.

以A tenant entered into a one-year agreement to lease a two-bedroom home from a landlord for $1,000 per month开头的题,核心是租客违约,房东及时租出去,能否主张租金差价600块。UWorld认为多数州不将anticipatory repudiation理论运用到租约上,所以无法主张差价。MBE会避开这种实务上争议很大的题。即便如解析所说,题目也没有问“现在”房东能主张多少,房东完全可以等到原来的租约结束再主张差价,就不需要用到anticipatory repudiation理论。

以For several weeks开头的一个题,讲述用口头证据来解释合同的前提条件,这是口头证据一个单独的例外,就是可以采纳关于合同有无conditions precedent以及该条件是否达成的口头证据,但不代表前提条件没有达成就没有合同。所以虽然可以采纳的结论正确(口头证据规则通常考的是例外),但原因解释错了。

以A defendant was charged with sexual assault开头的一个题,希望引入被害人先前希望和被告人发生性行为的庭外陈述。答案认为这是“specific instances of a victim's sexual behavior”,十分牵强。其实用then-existing state of mind就很好解决了hearsay的问题,如果不行,用被告人宪法权利的兜底条款也必须能选对。这题选C(because the testimony goes to the issue of consent)是没有错误的。

  1. Koppel, G. S. (2017). The Case for Nonmutual Privity in Vicarious Liability Relationships: Pushing the Frontiers of the Law of Claim Preclusion. Campbell L. Rev., 39, 1.
  2. Posting of Allan Ides, allan.ides@lls.edu, to civ-pro@listserv.nd.edu (Nov. 11, 2015) (on file with author) (“I do agree that the issue preclusion alternative, which is also correct under a non-mutual estoppel principle, muddies the question and renders it an ineffective testing tool.”).